
We teamed up with 12 Black typographers and lettering artists from around the world on an open pack of 24 protest posters  – all free to print and share, and ready to be used in action in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. 

The featured artists are Adrian Meadows, Agyei Archer, David Jon Walker, Edinah, Emmanuel Wisdom, Eso Tolson, Gia Graham, Hust Wilson, Jean Carlos Garcia, Kevin Adams, Leandro Assis, and Rick Griffith, who represent the US, the UK, South Africa, Brazil, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Dominican Republic. 

12 Black artists – one for each month of the year with deliberate violence inflicted on Black people by the state. 24 black-and-white posters – one for each hour of the day with systemic anti-Black racism.

All works, commissioned specifically for the campaign, are free to print and share – they are published under a Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license (CC-BY-NC-SA) and are available for free noncommercial use and adaptation – given the appropriate credit.

We urge people to take the posters to the streets, place them around their neighborhoods, put them on their windows, or send them to friends and loved ones. 

“Whether it be for the lives of Black transgendered people being murdered, for Black lives being murdered by police, or for Black people being constantly oppressed by systemic racism, there’s a lot of causes worth fighting for right now. I wanted to make a piece that resonated enough contextually for each cause, but general enough to communicate the overall mandate: THIS HAS TO STOP”, says Memphis-based artist Eso Tolson. 

“We live in an era where police officers can kill innocent civilians, walk away and still get paid. The system is broken and the bloated budgets need to be re-evaluated”, says Atlanta-based artist Gia Graham. 

While all posters are free, we ask allies to donate to one of the fundraisers listed here: www.ally.wiki
