Photo: Niku Kashef
“We’re hard-wired for story, and effective art gets to the essence of storytelling and makes a powerful connection that bypasses defensiveness and sometimes even conscious thinking and can spark real change. Fine Acts represents the highest quality intersection of creativity and activism. It is a visionary and cutting edge organization that will be at the forefront of human transformation and social impact.”
Nassim Assefi is a doctor, novelist, creative curator, and civic activist obsessed with the nexus of human rights and health. Most recently, she has been the director of stage content for TEDMED. An internist specializing in global women’s health, she cares for vulnerable urban patients (including doing torture evaluations of refugees seeking political asylum) in the US and tackles maternal mortality when working in low-income and post-conflict countries (most recently in Afghanistan). She is the author of Aria (Harcourt 2007 & 5 foreign translations and audiobook) and Say I Am You (forthcoming). She serves as an advisor to non-profit organizations and companies - from Hedgebrook to MEDICC to ZocDoc - and has curated many cultural events outside of TEDMED.
A second generation Iranian-American, bridge-builder and global-nomad, she has traveled to more than 50 countries and speaks and sings in five languages. She is a graduate of Wellesley College, University of Washington Medical School, and Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s residency program. Recent honors include a TED Fellowship, a Jack Straw Writing Fellowship, a Woman of Courage award by the University of Washington, Top 40 Under 40 Feminist by Feminist Press, and being named one of the best doctors by Seattle Metropolitan Magazine.